
Thirty Meter Telescope

…innovations in precision control, segmented mirror design, and adaptive optics to correct for the blurring effects of Earth’s atmosphere. When combined with the unprecedented light-collecting area of the primary mirror,…


On Being Open Minded

A common argument against believing in the supernatural is that sceptics disregard eye-witness testimony to such phenomena. The following video from QualiaSoup rebuffs this line of reasoning eloquently while expounding…

Health Politics

Super Health Board, Not So Super

…claimed would better serve the public. Critics of the move predicted that it was a giant leap toward privatization of our health services. It hasn’t taken long but already the…


The Large Hadron Collider

The latest iteration of the world’s biggest physics experiment, the Large Hadron Collider, will be switched on in May 2008 (though the BBC documentary below says November, the time line…



Lately, I’ve been taking part in online courses from the Adobe Education Exchange. My latest class, Graphics and Illustration, asked us to represent a movie using just four simple icons….

biology documentary ethics

Richard Dawkins’ Nice Guys Finish First

…and economics and the short documentary, “Nice Guys Finish First“, by Richard Dawkins becomes a tremendously interesting look at how selfish and altruistic behavior can be the greatest benefit or…


A New Kind of Trigonometry

…enough to take the tests and then promptly forget about them. I hope it’s safe to assume these new rules can be applied to computer programming and physics as well….

education life

From Extinct to Just Feeling Like I’m Dying

I’m slowly finishing off each of the classes for my PS1 semester. We had a terrific class this morning in my Communications and Technology class. Our sessional instructor hooked us…


Culture Jamming

Is it wrong to block ads on my free site? I feel so conflicted. I would make this post longer but I need to get to school, so here is…

friends swimming

Olympic Swim

As I’ve mentioned (many times to anyone that cares to listen) my former house-mate is Canada’s fastest swimmer in the 50m freestyle. This morning at around 4:30am local time he…