Saturday, April 03, 2004

I Heart the Ladies

As promised here is my review from the BNL concert on April 1st in Calgary. It was great! As we were getting seated Anna questioned me about the tickets I purchased, "Do people that sit in these seats really get more nosebleeds?" Very funny. :)

The concert itself was a blast. Jason Plumb and Ron Sexsmith were the two opening acts. They seem like unknowns to me but Anna recognized Ron Sexsmith's name and apparently Jason Plumb played for the Waltons - which I vaguely recall.

Anyway it was a great concert in which almost every song they played seemed like my favorite. I know I'm a big geek for this Canadian band, but whatever - it was fun. They played:

Maybe Katie
Too Little Too Late
Some Adlibing
It's All Been Done
Another Postcard
More Adlib
Never Is Enough
I Live With It Every Day
For You
One Week
Upside Down
A Bass Solo
Alternative Girlfriend
Testing 1,2,3
Never Do Anything
Blame It On Me
Concert Going
Pinch Me
War On Drugs
Beat The Crew
Shoe Box
Old Apartment
Brian Wilson
If I Had $1,000,000
What A Good Boy

They weren't planning on playing Alternative Girlfriend but got talked into it when someone in the audience held up a big sign that said quote/unquote Please let my husband drum Alternative Girlfriend with you. So they did. Ed told the audience that if he was at least half decent we should really cheer him on, but that if he sucked then we should beat him to a pulp. He was actually pretty good and it was really fun to watch. It's stuff like that that makes a concert so memorable.

They had a fun choreographed shopping cart ballet in which they ran around with shopping carts, passed around boxes of cereal and made snow angels on the stage. They did three encore songs, which was more than the last time they were in Calgary, and I must say it was just a perfect concert.

Ed wrote about the concert tour and specifically about Calgary's show. Ed and Steve are by far my favorite bloggers in BNL - not just because they do the majority of the singing. Oh and one last thing - if a member of the band ever comes across this page, I think it would be nice if you'd just leave a note saying hi. That would be cool.

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