Thursday, May 05, 2005

Malaysia - Day 5

My throat has really been killing me, especially during the night. This morning I tried looking at it in the mirror and couldn't tell if there were the little white bumps indicative of strep throat, but decided I'd better go to the Dr. and find out for sure.

Well, as luck would have it I have a case of the common cold. I'm guessing it's all the weird sleeping hours and strange diet that is throwing my system off so much.

Other than that, the hospital was actually quite nice. It was clean, fast, and inexpensive. Maybe private health care isn't so bad after all...

I caught the train and a cab to my work and got here basically in time to go for lunch. Which is where I'm about to go now.
Comments: 1

As the astute reader will notice, I never did go for lunch.

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