Monday, June 13, 2005

Malaysia / Thailand - Day 43

I'm officially moved out of KL. I packed up my stuff this morning and headed for the KL International Airport.

I was a little disappointed to find out that my flight has been delayed for 3 hours, but at least I bumped into a nice girl from Regina that I had met a couple of nights ago and again last night. She gave me some good tips on how much she paid for DVD's in Chinatown and so last night I maybe over did it, but I now have one of the biggest DVD collections of anyone I know.

Me at the KLIA BK
The internet kiosk at the airport is run through Burger King. The interesting thing about this particular Burger King (other than the fact that they overcharge for internet use) is that they are out of burgers.

They have fish burgers, and chicken burgers, but if you see their large sign from across the room that reads, "HOME OF THE WHOPPER" and walk over salivating for a tasty hamburger, you are going to be disappointed.
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