Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Keys for Editing Paths in Photoshop CS2

Having been working with vector shapes a lot yesterday, I was getting pretty frustrated when trying to switch between tools quickly. Though it's not in the menu commands or tool tips within Photoshop, I found this table of helpful hints in the help file. I realize that for most people it's going to be pretty boring content, but for me, it'll be a handy resource for vector art (and most likely easier to find than looking it up in the help file).

ResultWindowsMac OS
Select multiple anchor pointsDirect selection tool + Shift-clickDirect selection tool + Shift-click
Select entire pathDirect selection tool + Alt-clickDirect selection tool + Option-click
Duplicate a pathPen (any pen tool), Path Selection or Direct Selection tool + Control + Alt-dragPen (any pen tool), Path Selection or Direct Selection tool+ Command + Option-drag
Switch from Path Selection, Pen, Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, or Convert Point tools, to Direct Selection toolControlCommand
Switch from Pen tool or Freeform Pen tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor or direction pointAltOption
Close path with straight-line segmentMagnetic Pen tool + Alt-double-clickMagnetic Pen tool + Option-double-click
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