Readymade Interviews Incredibles’ Man Brad Bird

Mr. Incredible Sketch

This is an interesting interview with Brad Bird, where he talks about his success, The Incredibles, and getting fired from Disney:

I got fired for quote rocking the boat unquote. They were basically saying that if I’d stop complaining about quality, I could hold onto my job. I said, “I’m complaining about stuff your master animators taught me to complain about. So either I’m getting fired or I’m selling out everything you guys supposedly stand for.”

He also has advice for young animators trying to break into the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

So I’ve created version 1.0 of my F.A.Q. which answers the top 4 most frequently asked questions. It’s a work in progress so I’ll probably come up with some better answers when I’m feeling up to it, and there are probably other questions worthy of being entered, so maybe I’ll do that one day too.

From the Suck Archives

A classic, it’s the SUCK SCHOOL OF COMIC ART.

  • Stocking feet are funnier than either shoes or bare feet. White socks with red toes and heels are the funniest of all.
  • Fuzzy clothes never fail to amuse. One of your repeating characters should wear a fuzzy suit or sweater.
  • Contrary to popular belief, cigarettes are funnier than both cigars and pipes. Draw them with smoke swirling up from the tip, and guffaws are guaranteed.
  • Silly-looking hats are cheap devices employed only by inferior cartoonists and should be avoided if at all possible.

Earthquakes in the Indian Ocean

This morning there were reports of an 8.2 earthquake off the coast of Indonesia. So far there have been no reports of Tsunamis.

(CNN report)

I have just over a month until I leave for Malaysia and another giant earthquake has occurred in the Indian Ocean; it’s just what I want to hear about. Hopefully there will be no Tsunamis this time. At least Malaysia is a lot safer than many of the countries along the sea because it is somewhat shielded by Indonesia.

What is it about Christmas and Easter? I’m just saying.

New Photoshop Details Accidentally Released

The details about Adobe’s new version of Photoshop have been accidentally released.

Dubbed Adobe Photoshop CS2, the new release promises better tools to fix common image problems such as red eye and blemishes, as well as updated support for raw, or uncompressed, images. The software is expected to start shipping in May.

The software will also allow users access to online stock photos and new batch processing features among many other new features. I love Photoshop.

(via Slashdot)

The Case for Advertising

Recently Ponyboy at gave a fairly scathing rant about BoingBoing’s slippery slope decent from sans ads to (depending on what you consider an ad) “between nine and nineteen ad slots”. He complains that BoingBoing has sold out while at the same time it continues to pretend nothing has changed.

I can’t really compare myself with BoingBoing in influence or blog credibility (if there is such a thing) but I feel like I can totally relate. For years I’ve had a pretty big draw in my Stairway to Heaven Backwards site, but I’ve always resisted putting ads on it. I felt that it would be selling out. But the thought persisted. Perhaps I even used BoingBoing as my role model. If they can do it, I justified, then so can I. It didn’t take long until I convinced myself that a few context sensitive ads wouldn’t actually hurt that much anyway. Besides I would only be collecting money to help pay for the site.

And that’s great for the time being. Right now I can justify the ads by telling myself they are here for the greater good of keeping the site alive. However when I finally raise enough money to pay for hosting and DNS costs, I have to admit that I won’t want to take the ads down. It’s just too easy not to.

I think BoingBoing is in the same boat. They started out with the best of intentions; they really believed that their ads were only there to cover costs; they really believed that they were a necessary evil in their fight for survival. But once the ads were up they realized that hey, tasteful advertisments on a site are not the worst thing in the world. In fact maybe they are even setting an example of how the websites can survive and even generate money after dot com bubble burst.

Put yourself in the publishers place. Money is tight and yet you must find away to make ends meet. After some agonizing you realize that ads on your site are the best route to take but you feel like you have to sell your soul in the process. You close your eyes and take the plunge but then when the dust settles you realize advertising is not so bad. You still have that strong justification that “it’s all for the greater good” running through you head. Then the day comes that everything is paid for, the site has become self sufficient and you can rest easy knowing your baby is safe. But the money continues to roll in. It’s at this point that something inside you changes. Your very soul turns around and says, “Hey this extra cash will allow me to finally get that BowFlex™ I’ve seen on late night TV.”

I have to agree with Ponyboy that BoingBoing probably should admit to themselves the real reason the ads are there to stay. It has caused me to reevaluate my thoughts on the subject and I’ve realized that the writers of BoingBoing, like me, know that when all is said and done — 90 days on our new exercise equipment will mean bodies that are sculpted to perfection.

Gauntlet Suspends Two Editors Over Racy Image

The Gauntlet is the student newspaper at the University of Calgary. It just happens to be the same paper that my brother worked as the Photo Editor while he went to school there (2001-2004). Controversy is nothing new to student newspapers, but today I read about some misdirected anger.

Two editors are being suspended without pay because they allowed an article to be published which was accompanied a photo of a nude woman. The woman had paraded through the U of C food court completely naked except for a chain mail bikini as part of a student union sponsored sexual health awareness event.

In a response published in the Gauntlet by News Editor Dale Miller, one of the suspended, he defends his actions by explaining that the outcry should be directed towards the ones creating the event, not the ones reporting it.

“The performers were hired by the SU to put on the show, they chose their own outfits and performed in a public environment, in front of both media and the University population,” said Miller.

“I didn’t try and shock you by allowing these women to walk around naked, the SU did. I merely reported it, and brought the controversy to the larger student population.”

To top it all off the student portrayed in the picture has demanded that the Gauntlet be shut down. She feels the picture violates her rights in some way – never mind the fact that she was the one willingly prancing around naked in public and that the Students’ Union allowed participants to chose their own outfits. Seems like she may just want to jump on the controversy band-wagon. Maybe she’s trying to run up publicity for her night job as an exotic dancer; all I can say is “talk about someone giving mixed messages”.

Maid of Honor Privilige For Sale

Image of Couple Selling Maid of Honor Privilige

There is a couple from Calmar, Alberta (small town west of Luduc) that has put “the opportunity to be their maid of honor” up for auction on ebay.

From the site:

We had asked my good friend to do this honor, but unfortunately, because of financial difficulties (she lives in a different province) she can no longer afford to attend. We had thought on asking someone else, but we do not know anyone else in the province that we would like to ask. We then thought that we would like to give someone the chance to do this that may not otherwise have the chance!

My Salt Lake Tribune Interview

Yay! Today The Salt Lake Tribune published the article about backmasking in which I was interviewed.

Enter “backmasking” into the Google search engine and nearly 9,000 sites pop up. One of them is “Stairway to Heaven: Backwards” ( ), a site established by Jeff Milner, a 25-year-old student, part-time lifeguard and bed salesman.

“As a kid, a cousin of mine told me he took his ‘Stairway to Heaven’ record and played it backwards hearing some kind of satanic message,” Milner says. “I never had a chance to hear it myself… Then when the technology came along to do it on the computer, I jumped at the chance.”

He copied the song from the 1971 Led Zeppelin album onto his hard drive, then used the Windows Sound Recorder application to reverse it. He found what sounded like lines about the devil.

Update: I’ve posted the complete contents of the Salt Lake Tribune backmasking article in the comments.