Old acquaintances

Today I ran into Bob Shimbashi at the Safeway here in Lethbridge. It has been a LONG LONG time since I’ve seen that guy. I always thought he moved to Provo when he moved away, but it turns out he originally moved from Provo when he came to Medicine Hat and now he’s been living in Coaldale ever since.

You’re probably not wondering why I was at Safeway in the first place. You probably think it was to get groceries. Well you’d be right about that, but the groceries I got are for Steve and Monique Meldrum’s POT-LUCK TACO PARTY ™. I’ll try and shoot a few pics tonight if opportunity arises and then post them for the world to see. And when I say world, I actually mean you. Yes you the only person that reads the archives from month to month. Ok I actually mean me.

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