Quick Trip to Banff

On Wednesday night I drove to Calgary and then just for kicks we headed out to Banff to see King Muskafa play at the Rose and Crown Pub. We had a pretty good time, especially because we got to meet the band before they went on and with a band as much fun as they are, a good time is just bound to happen.

Image of King Muskafa
One of the more vocal patrons became very obnoxious when he started asking if the singer would expose herself for his viewing pleasure. I didn’t see the bouncers remove him, but as we left shortly after we saw him talking to his friends outside; this is what he said, “You just don’t piss people off. That’s what I learned.”

They are playing at the Rose and Crown all week so if you’re in Banff today I recommend going and checking them out – it was well worth the trip.

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