The Thought Project

The Thought Project is a collection of headshots taken of random people in Copenhagen, Denmark and New York City. Beside each image is the thought(s) they were thinking just as they were approached for a picture.

Over a period of 3 months I stopped 150 strangers on the street and asked them what they where thinking about the second before I stopped them. Using a mic and a dictaphone I recorded what they told me, then took a picture of them. 55 of the 150 thoughts are presented on this website as quotes. All quotes state exactly what was said during the interviews. The interviews took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, and New York City.

Required Reading: "A Promise to My Grandfather"

Amazing story about a man’s promise to his grandfather.

When I was 9, I caught my grandfather shaving in the bathroom and that is when I saw it: His Camp Number – 58877241.

Not knowing any better, I asked him why he got such a “stupid tattoo”. He told me that he really didn’t want to get it and quickly tried to cover it with a towel. I followed him asking him, “Why don’t you get it removed then?” He stop dead in the hallway and without turning around said “So I don’t forget.” We never discussed it again.

When he died last summer, I told myself that he was finally at peace. As I stood over his coffin with my wife, I reached down and took his arm in mine. I unbuttoned his sleeve and rolled it up. I looked at the number again – 58877241. My wife looked at me and asked “Why are you doing that?” All I could say was “So I don’t forget.” Right then I made my promise to him – Never again.

What is particularly fascinating about this story is the response he got from one woman about her own grandfather and his experience in the war:

They hauled him in front of a firing squad. The Captain of the Guard again demanded that the Jews among them be identified. Then one of the soldiers came forward and identified himself as a Jew. The Captain grabbed him and hauled him away and stopped the execution. The troops never saw the soldier again.

The soldier that volunteered the information that he was Jewish was named Roman Edemskoi (58877241) – the same man.

(Via MeFi)


I got a parking ticket today; how irritating. I discovered it when leaving from the figure drawing studio.
Four cropped sketches that I drew today
Anyway, here are my figure drawings. Please leave a comment if you like them.

Another Extention

I just installed another great extention for Firefox. It’s called Sage.

Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed aggregator extension for Mozilla Firefox. It’s got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don’t.

Previously I Heart Firefox.

My Work Placement in Malaysia

GXM Studio is the new media company in Malaysia that I am hoping to work for while I am over there in two months. They have some pretty nifty little animations, web design, and video work. I’m very excited.

I Heart Firefox

I love Mozilla Firefox! I just upgraded to their newest version and while I was at their site decided to download some extentions.
Update: None of these links work anymore.
Extentions are part of what makes Firefox so great. They add a little bit of customization to your browsing experience. These are the ones that I have and I recommend them all:

  • Stumbleupon 1.9991
    Stumble onto sites suggested by like-minded individuals.
  • Tweak Network 1.0
    Tweak your network settings making Firefox that much faster.
  • BugMeNot 0.6.1
    Don’t be bothered with privacy issues and the inconvenience of required registration. Sometimes you can even find passwords to sites you’d never expect.
  • BetterSearch 1.7
    See the sites you are searching in nice thumbnails before you click.
  • Disable Targets for Downloads
    Gets rid of those blank windows that sometimes pop-up when you are downloading binary files.
  • Tabbrowser Preferences
    Customize your tabbed browsing experience. I especially like the “open new tab” button.
  • ForecastFox 0.7
    Now you don’t have to look outside for the weather! Just look on the small icon at the bottom for all the weather information you need.
  • ColorZilla 0.8.2
    Featuring webpage zooming and eye dropper colour picking.

Numa Numa Dancer Not Happy

By now, you’ve likely seen the Numa Numa Dance. The New York Times reports that the dancer, Gary Brolsma, isn’t enjoying his newfound fame. “These days, Mr. Brolsma shuttles between the house and his job […] He is distraught, embarrassed.” (silly registration req’d)
