Flash Photography Tip

I just rediscovered a great photography tip. It involves setting the flash to fire at either the beginning or end of a long exposure.

But only when I read this article was I reminded that the rear flash on a long exposure can be a great way to expose those fun low light party situations.

For Nikon DSLR users, like myself:

“Press and hold the flash pop-up button, then rotate the thumbwheel. Try having the camera in the “M”, “A” “S” and “P” modes to see the different flash sync options in different modes.”

Instructions for other cameras are given in their comments.

This is something I learned some time ago but somehow neglected to put into actual use. Now that I’ve been reminded of it, it will change the way I use my on-camera flash; it will tide me over until I get that off-camera flash that I’ve been dreaming about.

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