I played water polo tonight at the university and did I ever totally kick ass! It was great, a real confidence booster since I’ve been feeling somewhat down lately. I just floated from team to team and played in all four matches tonight. I scored so many times tonight and by the end of the last match just to spread the love I would tell my teammates where to swim and setup the shot for them. The other team in that match wasn’t that great but still I was impressed with myself in that every time I told one of the guys or girls on my team where to go they scored… EVERY TIME! It was fantastic. I still had energy; I could have played another 1 or 2 games easy.
The Vagaries of Religious Experience
Fitting right in with topics I’m often posting about, psychology, religion, and what makes us think the way that we do comes: THE VAGARIES OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE by Daniel Gilbert.
Google’s Calendar
Soon to be found at calendar.google.com is Google’s new online Calendar. I’ve read it’s supposed to do to calendars what Gmail did to email.
Most of all I just hope it will work with my iPod.
The United States National Debt
I went to Medicine Hat yesterday to visit with my parents. One of the things I love to do is chat with my dad about science, religion, and current affairs. A topic we often cover is the US National debt and how out of control it has gotten.
Today I found a fascinating and perhaps terrifying graph of the United States national debt and the presidents responsible for it.
I’ll leave it up to you to extrapolate your own conclusions.
Napolean Dynamite and the Utah State Fair
Everyday I get tons of people visiting my site looking for an image of a liger. You know, liger – as in half lion have tiger. I can only assume these people are fans of Napolean Dynamite and perhaps they will enjoy these clever ads for the Utah State Fair featuring Napolean and Pedro.
The Outfit
It looks pretty cool to me: The Outfit game trailer.
This is pretty interesting: Wikipedia users edit a meta article for Esquire.
This week, an Esquire editor invited Wikipedia users to edit an article that will appear in the magazine. Wikipedia users reacted strongly, with over 500 edits to WP:ITAAW before the article was frozen.
Editor A.J. Jacobs wrote the original article, which was riddled with deliberate errors. These errors were quickly corrected by users, who rewrote many sections from scratch. Jacobs said of the massive edits made by Wikipedians,
I just wanted to thank you all so much for participating in this experiment. It was absolutely fascinating. I was riveted to my computer, pressing refresh every 45 seconds to see the next iteration. And the next and the next.
The article will presumably run in the November 2005 issue.
Water Polo
Tonight I played water polo for 2 hours. I’m beat and I’m going to bed.
After the games I had a good time chatting with Brock about my summer and about the breakup. Getting home I realize it stirred up a lot of emotions.
Flickr Firsts
My sister and I started a really popular flickr group today that has gained over 120 users in less than 4 hours. It’s called Flickr Firsts and it is a place where flickrites can add their first image to the pool. Everyone is welcome and if you’ve ever uploaded an image to flickr then you’ve got one perfect for this group.
If you’ve never added a photo to flickr – now’s the time to do it. You bought that fancy digital camera / scanner, so show that collection of beautiful images off! Also feel free to invite your friends and family to join as well.
I find that as I join more groups my photos get more exposure and I get more comments. That’s really why anyone uses flickr anyway right?
Oh, and about this image, I whipped it up in Photoshop using the flickr logo and some Verdana size 36 font – it’s for the group icon.
Update: It’s been a day and a half and our group now boasts over 700 members. It’s been fun to watch as the growth is beginning to increase exponentially. Reminds me a lot of what I read in Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point”.
Free Learning
wikiHow is the how-to manual that anyone can write or edit. If you feel so inclined, they have a page of requested “how-to”s.
Wiki’s are a great step toward a society where all information is free. I love it.