Water Restrictions

Currently there is a water restriction on watering your lawn if you live on the South Side of Lethbridge. I of course haven’t watered my lawn all year except for once last week and once yesterday. The ban started yesterday… oops.

I figure I have been quite the conservationist up until now anyway so they should cut me some slack. It was weird because when I started watering yesterday, I looked down the street and nobody was watering. “That’s odd” I thought, but then thought here I go watering my sickly, ant infested, dying lawn. (Most of the ants are gone – but there are still a few stragglers and I’m out of diamaceous earth).

Wedding Reception Slideshow

Anna got me a camera from the school but it hasn’t been working with my computer so we are going to have to find another one. This is the only one available at the University and this is clearly the reason it was still available. Anyway I have the pictures of Jackie so now I just need to get this video and the images of Glen and I’ll be cooking with gas.

Jeff Milner Movie Review – The Pirates of the Caribbean

While in Disneyland Anna and I took in the pirates twice, once in the theatre and once, of course, in the Disneyland park.

We missed seeing the premiere held right in Disneyland by a couple of days. However there was still such a great atmosphere to see that movie! For one thing most everyone in that theatre is on vacation. They are there to have a good time, and a good time we had! When the movie started the audience responded with applause and cheering, and as each actor made their debut appearance in the show, again the sound of an appreciative audience filled the theatre.

The thing about clapping in a show is – while it may seem really out of place in a place like Lethbridge or Medicine Hat, seeing a movie like Pirates right in Downtown Disney felt like we should applaud, like it would have been rude of us not to show our appreciation. I remember the first time I ever went to a show where the audience clapped was in Manhattan at the biggest theatre in the city. It was the opening night of “Lost in Space” and the crowd there was electric. There’s a pretty good chance that the actors in the movie were there that night because we had just been to the taping of Dave Letterman where Mimi Rogers was on the show promoting this movie, and since it was opening night it would make sense that she would have been with us in that theatre. Anyway despite Lost in Space being a truly horribly crappy movie I’ll always hold a certain fondness for it in my heart because of the memories associated with seeing it in that atmosphere.

Back to Pirates of the Caribbean. The thing to remember about this movie is that its main motivation is a ride that opened in 1967. The storyline does require you to suspend your belief in reality and may result in a disappointment for some but the Disney-ness factor of the movie will win out overall, if you let it. I can’t give my highest recommendation for this movie, because honestly it could have been better, but I by no means give it two thumbs down. I think it’s a pretty good show that deserves at least a Matinée viewing if not a full fledged night time $9.00 US viewing (but I only recommend paying $9 if you are in Downtown Disney). My thumbs are definitely higher than Dads.

Busy As Ever

I feel bad for being so busy lately. I hardly have time to see Anna-Maria, let alone all the million other things that I should be doing. I still haven’t even arranged a place for Anna and I to stay on Thursday night. Also I need a place to park the car in Calgary and hopefully I’ll be able to get a ride to the airport at 4:30 or so in the morning. I know I’m insane for going on this trip but you only live once, and as I heard the bachelor on “For Love or Money” state, you should live life as if you’ve already lived it, only this time you’re not going to have any regrets. So that’s what I’m doing, living life to the fullest. Now since I don’t have time to be writing this I’m going to sign off now with just a quick update on my life.

Anna and I are going to Disneyland for the weekend.

My two new roommates are working out great.

My old roommate is gone and my food is no longer at risk of being eaten.

I have to be at work at 9:00 to teach swimming lessons, guard for the rest of the day until 5:00 and then be at my other job as close to 5:00 as I can manage. I’ve been getting there at 5:45 and they don’t seem to mind. I think they are just happy to have me as an employee.

I did set up an FTP site for mom and she would be able to upload Jackie’s wedding slideshow pictures there, except I understand her computer is screwed. It’s not like I have time to work on that slideshow anyway. Sorry everyone I’ll have a little more time … actually I won’t really have any more time, but I’ll try and squeeze it in when I get back from California. In the meantime I need to finish up the website I’ve been working on.

I Liked the Tuna but the Tuna Didn’t Like Me

I came home early from work tonight because the tuna sandwich that Anna so lovingly made for me wasn’t sitting well. In fact it was “not sitting well” so badly that it didn’t just not sit, it actually got up from where it was sitting and decided it liked being vomitted into the toilet better. I’m feeling much better now, at this point you’re probably not.

You know the thing about throwing up, as gross as it is, it sure does feel a lot better when you get the poison out. That’s all I have to say about that – for now.

Glenneth and Jack-Hammer’s Wedding Reception

Jackie and Glen are having their reception in Medicine Hat on August 2nd (correct me if I’m wrong). Jackie just called me to ask if I would put together a slide show for her. I would like to but with all the things going on right now, it’s going to be a struggle to find the time. Maybe if Mom scans 50 pictures of Jackie at Earl’s house and Jackie emails me 50 pictures of Glen, together with the video footage that I have I can put together a really great show.

Jeff Milner Vs. The Ants

I think the carpenter ants in my front lawn are just about ready to surrender. I bought a bottle of diamaceous earth after the first one ran out and now they seem to be suffering greatly. They were migrating toward the sidewalk in a big way, however, I out-flanked them and gave them a good spray there as well. They may have won a few battles along the way, but I’m going to win the war.

Milner’s from 1903 to 2003 – 100 years in Canada

As Gary mentioned we had our family reunion over the weekend. Anna-Maria did put on some fancy elf ears on me and smaller pointy ears on Gary. Below is a picture of me with the ears on. I had a chance to go kayaking down the upper Saint Mary’s River a couple of times with Anna, Corry, Anson, Jackie and Glen. Today I was able to recover a bit just taking it easy working at the pool and not doing too much else. Of course now I am not really prepared for going to Calgary for Jackie’s wedding and we’ll be scrambling to get everything in order tomorrow, especially with my plan for Anna-Maria and I to take part on the Milner float in the parade in Raymond.

Make-up elf ears on Jeff Milner