Download Firefox 3 and Help Set a Record

It’s time! Right now, go download Firefox 3 and help set a new world record.

Sounds like a good deal, right? All you have to do is get Firefox 3 during Download Day, [today], to help set the record for most software downloads in 24 hours—it’s that easy. We’re not asking you to swallow a sword or to balance 30 spoons on your face, although that would be kind of awesome.

Firefox Download day

The Firefox Quick Search

Here’s a useful tip for Firefox users. Typing in dict followed by a word you want to lookup in the address bar will send you to the definition page for that word.

For people that love keyboard shortcuts:

Alt-d (focuses cursor on the address bar)

type: “dict + word

Takes you to with the definition you wanted.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could setup custom quick searches on other sites? Well you can; here’s how! Find a search box on the site you’d like to add a quick search for, (currently it’s on the top right side of the main page sidebar at this site), right click on the search bar, and click on “Add a Keyword for this Search” you should see something like this:

Setting up a keyword search in firefox

Then, enter a title for the search and a keyword you’ll use to execute it, like this:

Saving the keyword search in Firefox

Once you click the ok button (it might say “Add” in other OS versions), your quick search is setup and ready to search Now, as an example type jm backmasking into your firefox address bar and Firefox will bring you to the search results for backmasking related posts on this site.
