Once again1 in 2022, Andrea and I made a playlist for the year:
Just like last year I used tunemymusic.com to collect the same songs in a Youtube playlist and also exported My 2022 Apple Playlist in .CSV format.
- Previously: 2021 playlist.[↩]
A collection of digital wonders and some other stuff
Once again1 in 2022, Andrea and I made a playlist for the year:
Just like last year I used tunemymusic.com to collect the same songs in a Youtube playlist and also exported My 2022 Apple Playlist in .CSV format.
Below is the collection of music Andrea and I (but mostly she) put together as our “go to songs” for 2021. Enjoy.
You can listen on Youtube if Apple Music is not your thing. Here is the 2021 playlist in .csv format.
Previously: 2020 playlist.
Over the last few years when Andrea I have found a new song on Apple Music we’ll ask Siri to add it to the “[this year’s]” playlist. There isn’t, as far as I know, an easy way to export these lists to other music providers, but nonetheless here is our list from 2020.
Update: It turns out, there is a service that can export music playlists from one music streaming service to another at https://www.tunemymusic.com. It even lets you export to .txt or .csv. Here’s the same 2020 playlist.