A couple of weeks ago I called my parents and asked if they wanted to spend the day in Waterton — to my delight they immediately took me up on the offer and arrived only a couple hours later.
Many great memories flooded my mind as we checked off the list of essential Waterton activities and attractions.
Photos by the Prince of Wales Hotel… check.
Climbing up Bears Hump for photos of the Waterton town-site… check.
Lunch at Zums followed by photos in front of Cameron Falls… check and check.
It was a great day for it too, even though the skies threatened a storm, we only got a little drizzle of rain followed by sunshine and ice-cream cones. Ice-cream tastes better in National Parks.
The take home message really is that it’s well worth it to take advantage of our close proximity to a world class national park — one can basically drop their camera and come away with some great photos.
It was a lovely day. Thanks for the invite. Let’s do it again soon!