
Malaysia – Day 42

I got myself some lunch at Nando’s. It’s a Western style restaurant that serves mostly chicken dishes. I ordered the Chicken Burger with fries and a glass of ice water. The waitress informed me that they “weren’t allowed to serve ice water”. I told her that I’d had ice water the last time I was there but she just assured me, the managers wouldn’t allow it and the servers get into trouble if they do anyway. I wasn’t exactly in a good mood having gotten off of the phone with my ex-fiance whom I just told that she was crazy (that didn’t go over well but that’s another story) so I told the waitress that no water would be fine, and that if I started to choke I wouldn’t hold her accountable. She laughed and then brought me some ice water anyway. I’m glad she was able to over-rule her managers stupid no ice water policy.

Later I went for a haircut; quite possibly the world’s worst hair cut. I would have been better off just shaving it all off. Instead I took a more rational approach (pretty good considering how irrational I’ve felt lately) and went back to have it trimmed again. It’s much nicer now, although going back wasn’t completely rewarding, I did get a nasty bite from the electric razor. I could practically see blood as he showed me the updated trim in his hand held mirror.

It’s so hot outside and I’m not sure if this post conveys it or not but I’m not exactly in the best mood. Going for a swim would do me wonders. So I asked around if there is a pool and the consensus is that in fact there are no swimming pools in all of KL! WTF? I might have to break down and go to Sunway (45 minute bus ride) and rm 40 for a day pass. Seems a little steep considering all I want to do is about 40 lengths at a leisurely pace. It shouldn’t take much more than 20 minutes to get my fill and Sunway is not the place to swim lengths, the main body of water there is actually a wave pool.

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