2002 Swim Meet in Calgary

I’m off to Calgary on Saturday, and I must admit—I’m pretty excited. I guess kayaking in the cold was a bad idea to begin with but the weather in Lethbridge has been so nice it’s hard to imagine the cold winter that Gary has described in Lethbridge. Anyway the meet is going to be a short one. I am only competing in 2 events. The nice thing is that I do get to miss some school, but really it’s New Media which I enjoy anyway so it’s a mixed blessing.

The fact that I don’t have much to write about shows how boring my life really is. I mean I could go on about how my rake sucks and my lawn looks horrible littered with leaves. Perhaps I could ramble on about the wind in Lethbridge — of course that never gets old. But instead perhaps I should just say that life is good.

I do have one thing that’s slightly interesting to tell you about. My swimming is coming along nicely. Yesterday we did a set of 75m – 75m – 100m with each 75 or 100 both done in less than 1:35. Well for those of you that are not big into swimming let me just say that doing eight of those is VERY, VERY tiring. I’m happy to say that I was able to complete them.

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