Anna-Maria’s Vicarious Post

Anna-Maria writes:

Hello all! Boy, have I ever been busy lately. I am registered in six classes and I am in two plays- both of which go up on Tuesday. However don’t feel too bad for me, there is one class I don’t even go. I just show up for the tests. Hey! Like the one I had today! I should probably feel ashamed or something for not going to class, but I don’t. I feel proud. I’ve never felt so proud of myself. There’s not much that compares to the feeling of doing well on a test, for a class that you only went to twice all year. On quite a different note, do you all remember my weight issues? (What can I do? I’m socially conditioned to believe that I could always use to lose an extra ten pounds. I learned about that from the textbook for the class I never go to.) Well in the play I’m in called Peer Gynt, I have to wear a boustier- a belly shirt boustier! That’s right ladies and gents, it’s also sleeveless. On top of that I have to wear tiny (very tiny) white spandex shorts with a see through skirt over top. I’m freakin out. You have to admit that that would make anyone feel a little self-conscious. Anyway, I’ve gotta get going. I will write again soon. Let me know what you think about the outfit. Jeff will fill you in on what I did for the role on top of skimpy clothes.

I haven’t seen Anna’s play so I don’t know exactly what she is going to be doing except that it is somewhat sexual in nature. (I believe something to do with a pig troll rutting on stage). All I can say is you wouldn’t catch me in such a compromising roll. On a side note, Anna had her eyebrows waxed in preparation for the show.

I just saw one of my professors walking down the hall and thought that now would be a good time to comment on his strange choice of names: Anonymous William Smith. I just call him Wil. I guess one day he decided that he would “spice things up” by changing or eliminating his middle name and then adding Anonymous as his first name. That’s the name he uses for all his art and whatnot. I thought I would have more to say about that, but I guess I don’t. I’ll just let you think about it.

In other news I qualified for Junior Nationals for swimming. The times are faster than Canada West but slower than the CI’s. I don’t think I’m going to go though, because none of the other teammates that qualified are going – and it is $250, not to mention it’s over reading week – which I’ll need to use to catch up on my homework.

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