Dad Visits Lethbridge

Zone finals for the Southern Alberta 4A high school basketball teams are on now and Dad is visiting from Medicine Hat to watch the games. George Hamilton called him up and invited him to come. Dad isn’t the biggest fan of watching basketball1 so he skipped out of watching a couple of games to eat supper with Anna-Maria and I. We had some really good pizza (pi) from Pizza Hut, and had a good time listening to Dad’s war stories2.

Another of Dad’s stories was that as a University Student he performed in a play that his roommate was directing. This was something that I had never known about him3. Apparently his roommate had to beg him to be in the play and reluctantly he agreed. Well what he didn’t know was that he had to practice the play everyday for four weeks! He wasn’t too happy about all the rehearsing every day. But when the night of their single performance arrived approximately 800 people showed up to watch. Dad said that with all the rehearsing they actually did a really good job and that now looking back on the event it gives him a great feeling of accomplishment. He even sang in this play and in those days that was quite out of the ordinary for Dad4.

1. Dad was a very good basketball player in high school and university.
2. It is a running joke with him that he fought in the Vietnam War.
3. The last time we were at Pizza Hut I also learned something about Dad that I didn’t know before but will refrain from sharing at this time.
4. Dad has become quite the musician these days playing many instruments and not feeling too shy about adding vocals to his music.

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