The presentation of my book was successful as expected. To celebrate, Anna-Maria and I, are ordering pizza and watching Maid in Manhattan on DVD.
It might be too early to say that Maid in Manhattan is just a chick flick not worth watching, but I’ll give Anna-Maria the benefit of the doubt and sit through it with her.
The other night we rented The Count of Monty Cristo. I give it 7 out of 10. For those of you that don’t know, I can be very critical of movies. So a 7 out of 10 is pretty good. Anna gives it a 7 or an 8. Glad to see I’m on the right track, after all she is the dramatic one.
7 out of 10 doesn’t mean much to me unless you are talking about my share of a chest full of pieces of eight. As for any movie rendition of The Count of Monty Cristo all I can say is; Read the Book, and that 7 will drop down to a 1 or 2.
Best wishes and may the wind always be at your back.
Ho, Ho, Ho,
Captain Peter Blood