The Weekend’s Not Even Over Yet!

I’m back in Lethbridge with Anna-Maria. Zee did a great job putting the place in order while I was gone. It turns out that Zee’s ride to Vancouver seems to have decided not to actually go, leaving her stranded at my house looking for another way to move out to BC. Her mother did offer to take her out there before and it looks like she might just have to take her up on the deal, well, I’m not sure what she’ll do but I’m sure she think of something and be out of here soon – not that I minded her here cleaning up the place… :) But I’m sure she’ll love it out on the coast.

Anna-Maria is up in the air about whether to go with her family to New Mexico for the next week or so. She is going to miss seeing me again until after her Montreal trip if she does in fact go with them. I’ll probably go see her at the airport in between trips, if I can swing it with work and everything, but still it would be really nice to hang out with her until she leaves for that long stint in Quebec.

So for tomorrow I haven’t really decided what I’m going to do. I would like to go Kayaking in Calgary with Corry but me being here in Lethbridge and he being in Medicine Hat and me not having anyway to get my boat from here to Calgary presents kind of a problem. I feel somewhat guilty about the lack of kayaking overall this summer and I know I’m going to regret not having gone much once school starts and the snow begins to fall. Alright not much else to say right now, so I’ll post again if anything interesting happens.

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