My Trip to Edmonton

The 6 hour drive itself was pretty uneventful. I did see a guy trying to drive and play his guitar. If you thought using a cell phone and driving was bad… What was that guy thinking?

I stopped in Calgary for dinner with Mom, Dad, and Gary and then picked up a Valentines Day present for Anna-Maria. Then after being informed how unwelcome I was at Garys house I left for Edmonton. Yes, I am more than a little offended.

I guess it should not really come as a surprise given the difficulty I have had getting along with them lately. The whole getting kicked off the milner blog and the rude treatment the whole family has received whenever they stay over at Garys. It is a wonder that he even pretends we are on good terms. He had me fooled.

Visiting with Anna-Maria has been fun though. I saw her play yesterday which was excellent (as far as I can say considering I do not speak French). I actually really enjoyed the show despite the language barrier and I think she under-estimates how good it actually is.

I think I may check out the World Famous West Edmonton Mall later this afternoon. Tomorrow I head back to Calgary for my 5:15pm flight to Vancouver. Look for updated posts containing the swim results. Of course I would love to get a national qualifying time, but I will be really happy with any personal best time.

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