Long Distance Plans Suck

I just got my phone bill and despite my efforts to reduce the amount of long distance I’ve been using I realized why the bill has been so high lately. On September 4th somebody, either myself or someone pretending to be me, signed up for a $23.95 long distance plan from Telus. The reason I am so angry about this is that I use the Yak Alternative Long distance service, that is I dial 1015945 before all of my calls so that I only get charged $.05 a minute no matter when I call or where ever I call in North America. Since I was paying for a Telus plan anyway it would have been cheaper had I not used the Yak thing at all! That’s eight months of careless bill paying and I imagine about eight months worth of wasted $23.95’s. I’m 99.999% sure I wasn’t the guy that signed up for that plan. Needless to say I’m pretty pissed off. I wonder if Telus recorded that conversation because I would like to have the voice of that person identified, then brutally punished to the fullest extent of the law. I hope it wasn’t me.

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