
I’ve decided to add a little something to my backmasking page. So for now I’m working on adding Britney Spears — Hit Me Baby One More Time, Queen — Another One Bites the Dust, and The Beatles — I’m So Tired. I might be tempted to add more after these ones are completed and online. This post would be a good place to comment on other songs you’d like to hear backward samples from (of songs that are known for backmasking).

Update May 23rd, 2004: The new backmasking additions are up.

Update: June 9th, 2004: I just added Pink Floyd’s “Empty Spaces” to the backmasking page.

7 Replies to “Backmasking”

  1. HEY!! just got a few comments…

    -in "Stairway to heaven" your discription of the lyrics say " He'll give you give you 666,…" i understood it as " He'll give you room 666,…"

    -in "Another one bites the dust" you said "its fun to smoke marijuana" I actually heard "Start to smoke Marijuana"

    -In "hit me baby one more time" you said "sleep with me,I'm not too young.' I heard " See me, im not too young"

    -In "I'm so tierd" you said "Paul is a dead man, miss him, miss him, miss him" I heard " my hun is dead man, miss him, miss him, miss him."

  2. Well, you have certainly caused a stir here. It seems that everybody is flocking to your site. Nice work. I must tell you, though, you have it wrong. Here are the lyrics to the part that you have on your site:

    So here's to my Sweet Satan.
    The other's little path
    Would make me sad,
    Whose power is faith.
    He'll give those with him 666.
    And all the evil fools,
    they know he made
    us suffer sadly.

    I have discovered that the ENTIRE Stairway To Heaven is a full and COMPLETE backwards message. EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable. Easily heard if you know what to look for. I wired an old record player's motor to run in reverse, and got out my old copy of the album. It's very scary. As I played it backwards last night over 10 times, I got chills down my spine every time. How it was done, I haven't a clue. I have changed my opinion that the computer is the best vehicle to listen to it backwards. It was definitely made for vinyl, and the needle moving in the wrong direction combined with the grooves of the record make it clearer. I don't think that the computer can duplicate that. THIS below is the absolute and correct translation of the lyrics to 'Stairway To Hell' WORD FOR WORD without any chance of there being any mistakes. Trust me, THIS IS IT:

    Plaaaay backwards,
    Hear why its sung here, oppositioner..
    on track, all arriving
    They all sing, and they are one.
    Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?
    Oh hear Him, Christian within me.
    It stirs my sin; the river,
    Oh, she swells with our lousiness.
    All my life will end for him?
    We're all out of signs,
    I know I'm sorta shocked
    To hear The Lord,
    My God now will save me!
    Oh I will n'er be saved,
    Because I live with Satan..
    One wish today;
    That you'll all pray for
    Three who will make it here late.
    Pray now and you'll see..
    The 'Lord' turned me on,
    But, oh, I was the shaggy fool..
    Clothed in agony,
    Lost at a height.
    There's no escaping it,
    Nor his woes..
    So here's to my Sweet Satan.
    The other's little path
    Would make me sad,
    Whose power is faith.
    He'll give those with him 666.
    And all the evil fools,
    they know he made
    us suffer sadly.
    "Family won't get loose,
    They're offered me."
    Always soothes the worker.
    Always will be as we know now
    "I see ruins," said he,
    "the world they offered me?
    Who wished the Lord's fall?"
    If we lose feather,
    Say you'll save me!

    And no wimps can bend the rules..
    And no wimps can do..

    Hunt next to the shore,
    'Cause they see all from there,
    See here's the news,
    Who walks with mute grief!
    Perhaps no-one found thee…
    "Heavy, lift me out,"
    Spake the Reve,
    "Someday, failed, we'll lose one line-up,
    They've gotta leave forsaken."

    And no wimps can do..
    And no wimps can do…

    He, who say the lords
    Thoth have our laws,
    Maat must be superb. Mass is ended..
    Over there,
    He who should learn thee.
    Any moot that serves by my sworn music,
    I wish it with snow be shushed,
    All for my mass's sake.
    Hear why its sung,
    here, oppositioner, Ohh..
    He who should show
    May make his show worthy,
    To look, for us, odd.. sickly,
    There's one chance – take his show.
    Hold thy head,
    Hear why its sung here. oppositioner.
    Who owns this earth built below?
    Oh sweet Israel..

  3. Although I’m not aware of the actual song concerned, I’ve been told that one of Motley Crue’s records says “Dickhead spun the record backwards” …

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