Lethbridge House Blows Up

On Saturday morning just before 10:30am a house located on the North-side of Lethbridge exploded.

A 68-year-old man was looking after his 11-year-old grand daughter. She was blown from the house and landed in the yard. Apparently she escaped with only minor cuts and bruises. The elderly man was discovered very soon afterwards by neighbors. He was under a pile of rubble laying on his sofa. The neighbors quickly dug him out and as from what I understand, moments after he was safe – what was left of the bungalow erupted up in flames.

Both he and the girl, though escaping serious injuries, remained in Lethbridge Regional Hospital yesterday.

The explosion is suspected to be caused by a natural gas leak in the basement.

Talk about a bad day.

One Reply to “Lethbridge House Blows Up”

  1. It looks like the little chicken lost an eye.

    You must have gone over and seen the house personally to get that picture.

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