
I’ve decided to add a little something to my backmasking page. So for now I’m working on adding Britney Spears — Hit Me Baby One More Time, Queen — Another One Bites the Dust, and The Beatles — I’m So Tired. I might be tempted to add more after these ones are completed and online. This post would be a good place to comment on other songs you’d like to hear backward samples from (of songs that are known for backmasking).

Update May 23rd, 2004: The new backmasking additions are up.

Update: June 9th, 2004: I just added Pink Floyd’s “Empty Spaces” to the backmasking page.

Anna-Maria’s New Job

Anna got the job at the University that she had applied for. It seems like a pretty great job and she is very excited about it. She will be in charge of the Summer Programs for English as a Second Language (ESL) students. It’s similar to something she did working for the college three years ago only this time she is in charge of the whole program. It will be interesting having us both work at the University – I start my New Media Movie Making Camp in July and she started work today.

Andy’s Evidence is in

As disappointing as this is, I still don’t know whether or not Andy is back. Pictures posted from the Bunny Ranch seem to indicate that Tony Clifton, not Andy Kaufman showed up last night.

Andy Kaufman’s new blog claims however that he was there and that he is the real deal. Yahoo news has stated that they believe him, but who can believe anything Yahoo posts — after being fooled by Andrew Carlssin the time-traveler I won’t trust them anymore. Not that I believed he was a time-traveler but I at least thought the story about someone claiming to be from the future was true. I never noticed the part about the Weekly World News covering the story.

Anyway Google News about Andy is coming in fast, and though I wanted so badly to be right, it looks like he’s really gone.

Dokaka Hums

He hums your favorite tunes. I downloaded Teen Spirit and yeah, Dokaka is pretty good.

As a five-year-old child, Dokaka hummed along with melodies on television, but one day plugged headphones into the TV, discovering that the sounds in his head matched those piping through the headphones. He quickly realized that songs consist of many parts like bass, drums, etc. Within a year, he began to record himself humming.

At 18, Dokaka started drumming in bands, and four years later stumbled upon his childhood recordings, reigniting his interest in humming. He was first heard humming by others when his band’s bassist missed practice, so he hummed the bassline. The band’s singer found the humming catchy and recommended professional recording. Dokaka financed and produced his own recordings and uploaded them to the internet, dubbing himself with the onomatopoeic name “Dokaka” from his drum-derived humming sounds!

Andy Kaufman Just Emailed Me!

I don’t believe this. Someone with the email address “Andy Kaufman” ( just emailed me the following this morning at 9:10AM with the subject “i’m back”:

Greetings from planet earth.

Just thought I’d let you know that I’m back.

I’m broadcasting my pirate signal from:

Take care,


On the blog the writer claims he has proof he is Andy and that he is going to make a public appearance at the Bunny Ranch tomorrow night between 8pm and midnight.

Here Cattle – Cattle – Cattle

Anna-Maria went to Fort Macleod on Saturday for an open call audition for a Heath Ledger movie. They are looking for locals to be extras in this Western Film they are making (Broke Back Mountain). She went with some French friends of her’s from the French Association.

In her own words, “We got there at 10:15 and there were hundreds of people lined up. Everybody wanted to be in the movie and I can understand why too. What we did, is we waited in line for about 2 hours and 15 minutes, and then we finally got into the gym where they gave us a form to fill out and then they told us to stand in another line so that we could get measured and have our photos taken. So all in all it was mostly waiting and I don’t know when they will let us know or even if they will, but it was a good experience. Everybody was so excited to have a movie shot in their own town that every weirdo, beauty queen, grandma, and two-year old kid showed up. It was very fun / cool / sweet. It was kind of crazy actually so many people showed up with their babies / kids. Kids were just running all over the place. Some of them were crying and many looked extremely bored. They justed waited in line for three hours to get their photo taken. I would never do that to my kids.”

Early to Bed; Early to Rise

I had to work at 6:30 this morning. Right as I was leaving work I discovered my fly had been down all morning. That’s me, the lifeguard with his fly down. Sheesh.

It’s raining now. That is all.

Andy Returns?

Checking out the Andy Kaufman website I read a message that says, “Andy Returns!!

After 20-years Andy Kaufman has a message for all:



What does it mean? Is he back? Is he going to show up at 8:00pm tonight at the House of Blues in Los Angeles?

It’s a red-hot housing market

I bought a house in Lethbridge two years ago this September. I’m really happy about the market here in Lethbridge, I think I purchased my house at a great time. I don’t normally like to copy / paste an entire article, but I’m afraid that the Lethbridge Herald isn’t going to keep this story online for long so here it is:

Housing prices rise and sales volumes soar in the Lethbridge region


Lethbridge Herald

Think you could handle a 35 per cent sales hike this month?

That’s what Lethbridge-area real estate personnel generated last month, as home sales in the city and across the region continued well ahead of last year’s pace. With 282 sales completed during the month — up 35 per cent from the 209 changing hands a year earlier — April sales were nearly $12 million ahead of April 2003.

But Brent Black, president of the Lethbridge Real Estate Board, points out the month followed a trend set in March when the 325 properties sold through MLS listings represented a 58 per cent jump over the same month last year.

January and February were also significantly ahead of the first months of 2003.

“We’ve got a strong, exciting year going here,” he says.

Selling prices are also on the rise, Black points out. In Lethbridge, where 143 homes were sold, the average price rose close to $148,000 last month compared with $138,000 a year ago.

But home sellers in many towns and rural areas reaped an increase as well. And well over half the homes sold — whether in the city or surrounding area — were priced in the $100,000 to $160,000 band.

“Every jurisdiction in our area was up in April,” says Black, either in unit sales or dollar volume.

One of the biggest jumps came in the county of Willow Creek, where five homes sold at an average $144,000 compared with $115,000 a year ago. In Cardston and surrounding county, six homes sold for an average better than $114,000 last month compared with three homes averaging $87,000 a year earlier.

And in the Crowsnest Pass, 14 homes changed hands for an average $109,000 vs. five homes at $102,500 last year.

Other areas reported higher sales with less of a price hike. In Taber and area, seven homes sold at an average $98,000, up from three at $97,000.

In Warner county, it was five sales averaging $86,500 this year; four at $83,700 a year ago.

In Pincher Creek, meanwhile, sales were up (from three to seven) but values were down and the same was true in Lethbridge county towns and rural areas, where home sales increased to 21 from 16.

On a region-wide basis, the board reports the $120,000-to-$140,000 price group was by far the busiest with 60 sales. Next highest numbers were in the $100,000-to-$120,000 group (43 sales) and the $140,000-to-$160,000 group (42 sales).