An Actual, Real Life Liger

Here is an actual liger!


“It’s pretty much my favorite animal. It’s like a lion and a tiger mixed… bred for its skills in magic.”
-Napoleon Dynamite

The cub is a cross between the female Bengalese tiger and an African lion. The animal resembled a lion cub except that it had stripes, and has been dubbed a “liger”, the Russian Information Agency Novosti reported.

“This was not the result of a scientific experiment,” Novosti quoted zoo director Rostislav Shilo as saying. “It’s just that the lion and the tiger live in neighboring caves in the Novosibirsk zoo, and got used to each other. It’s practically impossible in the wild.”

Here is another liger image.

Canada West Photos

Jeff Milner swimming butterfly at the U of L

A couple of weeks ago the University of Letbridge was lucky enough to be able to host the Canada West Swim Meet for the 2004 / 2005 season. Personally I swam a best time in the 50 Breast but didn’t reach my goal of getting a National qualifying time in 50 free (I was about 1 second too slow). Anyway the University’s photographer got some great images which can be seen here.

Bed Sales

I took on a new part time job selling beds. Tonight I sold my first bed! I work for “Word of Mouth Beds” here in Lethbridge and the way it works is, the beds are stored in a warehouse that in turn saves money for the customers. It may not be the nicest place to shop but it is probably the least expensive. It’s a good deal for both the people shopping and for me because while I help them save money, they help me pay for University. Talk about Win/Win!

New Great Package – Same Great Taste

As anyone that has been to my blog before today can tell, I have updated to a brighter fresher appearance tonight. I’ve also added a cool elf icon for IE’s bookmarks and Firefox’s regular display. There are still some bugs to be worked out, but as far as a much needed update goes, this one has me very satisfied.

Culture Jam

Today in my “fundamentals of Art Making” class we watched a video called “Culture Jam” (IMDB link). It is a documentary that depicts a group of individuals and their efforts to thwart The Man.

Basically there were three types of culture jamming happening. One group known as the Billboard Liberation Organization took it upon themselves to alter billboards in an interesting or humorous way usually creating some kind of social or political commentary. Another group, through dramatic performance, raided The Disney Store in Times Square and announced that they were from the Church of Stop Shopping. He told the people shopping there not to buy anything because of their bad labor practices. He was consequently arrested. The third Culture Jammer shown was a girl from Toronto that put “no logo” and other anti-commercialism stickers on the ads and buildings around her.

Personally, I tend to think that the billboard guys were by far the coolest. My reasons – which didn’t seem to go over to well with the class – were that the Billboard Liberation Organization created a new piece of art that was well thought out and esthetically pleasing. It also was often humorous or thought provoking. They don’t believe in actually damaging the billboards and other than “time lost for advertising” there is no harm done. In fact it could be argued that they do the original ad a service because it brings more people’s attention to the modified ad.

The girl with the stickers on the other hand is in a lot of ways nothing more than a self-righteous vandal. For example there was a TV advertising something in a bathroom and so she wrote, “Never stop shopping” or something like that on it with a black felt marker and to top it off stuck an Enjoy Debt sticker on the screen. She also stuck No Logo stickers on a La Senza ad at a bus stop. She stuck them right over the woman in the ad’s chest and face. Seeing those stickers there doesn’t inspire any anti-corporate or anti-consumerism attitude; instead it makes me hate the person that vandalized the bus stop.

Stairway to Heaven Subliminal Messages

Some time ago I received an email from a professor at York University. He asked if he could use part of my Stairway to Heaven backwards site / idea for a class. Here is the conclusion of his experiment.


I have now given my lecture on perception, and the Stairway to Heaven was a real hit. Before I played it backwards, (and after they had listened forwards a few times), I distributed sheets of paper with the “words”. Half the class got the Satan stuff, and the other half got my own words, which have nothing to do with Satan or religion. I realized at the outset that my words did not fit quite as well as the Satan ones, but some lines fit very well. The demo went perfectly – those who had the Satan words could “hear” the backwards lines very well, and those who got my words, could hear at least some of my lines well. Interestingly, those who “heard” my words had a very difficult time hearing the Satanic words later on when I played it again.

Thanks again so much for your [help]. It has really helped me make a very important point about the nature of perception and how we actually construct our percepts.
