It Ain’t Over ’til it’s Over

But in this case it really is over.

Yesterday I took a long run (to put it mildly) around the Vancouver area. By a miracle, I finally met up with Anna. I had been trying to find the school where she was acting but had some poor directions. We decided to meet at Starbucks later that night.

Breaking up with Anna has been more strange than any of the other breakups I’ve ever been involved in. We still both seem to be very much in love but each have this understanding that it’s just not meant to be. There wasn’t any of the drama that someone might expect between two people that have been together for so long. We wandered around the mall for a bit and talked about what we’ve been up to lately and about how it was we arrived in our current situation. I would have gladly spent the whole evening with her, but I guess she had to prepare for her weekend in Victoria. Dragging it on probably would’ve only made things more difficult, especially for her. Though I am still sad, I’m actually pretty happy with the way things worked out.

In other news, U2 had another concert in Vancouver last night. I walked by GM Place on my way to the train, and just out of curiosity asked a scalper how much for 2 tickets. He said he only had 1 pair of tickets together and they were $400 each! For the most part it looked like the scalpers were having a hard time finding tickets to sell and because of that it wouldn’t surprise me if those $800 tickets sold easily.

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