
New Media Movie Making Camps at the U of L

I’m teaching the New Media Movie Making Camp at the University again this summer. (The photo displayed in the link is of a student silk screening a shirt in the Art Camp – looks like they have a lot of fun in that camp too).

I will be teaching four one week camps that run each week in July. During each camp my students write their own scripts, film, edit, add special effects, and burn their movies to DVD. On Friday, the students’ families are invited for a screening. It’s been two days so far, but so far the students have been fun as usual and I’m really enjoying it again this year.

One reply on “New Media Movie Making Camps at the U of L”

I am a U of L student too, and I just happened upon your site. I think I saw some kids from the drama camp doing their thing down by U Hall today.

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