One Wedding and a Funeral

Two weekends ago I went to one of my cousin’s wedding reception in Raymond. I had a great time visiting with my extended family. I particularly like to joke around with my Dad’s brothers and it’s always a good time when ever they get together.

It looks like the family will be headed back to Raymond for the funeral of another cousin this Friday. It’s such a stark contrast in seeing everyone at a happy event such as a wedding compared with such a sad one.

She was one of my older cousins, and as such I didn’t know her that well. As for how she died, I’m not too sure of the details. I understand she was in the hospital and not doing too well for a couple weeks now but other than that I don’t know much.

One Reply to “One Wedding and a Funeral”

  1. My condolences to you and your family. Even for someone you didn't know very well, it's still painful to see the sadness and effects of it ripple through the family, especially following such a joyful celebration. Take care of yourself.

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