A New Member of the Family

Sometime in the early hours of the morning, my sister phoned my mom to let her know the new baby is on the way. Still no word if it’s a girl or a boy but we’re all very excited. I’m off to Edmonton to meet the newest member of the family.

Update: It’s a boy! Eric Robert was born Sunday, June 4th, 2006 weighing in at 9lbs 9oz and measured 22 inches tall. I’m so excited for their family.

Eric Robert Hutchinson

Here he is, about 6 and a half hours old. He was pretty quiet and very tired. He did wake up for awhile and check out the people around him.

Seeing as he was such a big baby, I’m sure Jackie is glad she didn’t have to wait a day longer. I can’t wait until he gets older, it will be so cute when he is big enough to play with Ryker.

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