
McAfee SiteAdvisor Phishing Quiz

A few weeks ago I received a comment on one of my flickr photos that was an obvious phishing attempt. I promptly erased the message but just to be safe, I emailed my friends and family and warned them to be on the lookout for such dangers on the web. I soon realized that my parents, for example, have no idea what phishing is, and probably many other folks out there don’t either.

Take McAfee’s short ten question phishing quiz and see if you know how to recognize a real site verses some malicious site after your passwords and bank accounts, and if not, educate yourself in the process. I scored 9 out of 10 — somehow the fake Amazon site tricked me.

How well did you do?

Update: The quiz is gone.


A Night at the Opera

This YouTube clip is of a scene from “A Night at the Opera” with The Marx Brothers. To simulate a foreign language, lines of dialogue that were meant to sound foreign were reversed when the film was originally made. That is, the foreign language is just English played backwards.

It’s not too spectacular, in fact it’s just an honest translation of what the other characters asked him to say but here is the audio I reversed: A Night at the Opera Reversed.


Maxed Out

Maxed Out

Maxed Out (trailer) is a fascinating documentary about our “credit” culture.

Maxed Out takes viewers on a journey deep inside the American style of debt, where things seem fine as long as the minimum monthly payment arrives on time.

With coverage that spans from small American towns all the way to the White House, the film shows how the modern financial industry really works, explains the true definition of “preferred customer” and tells us why the poor are getting poorer while the rich keep getting richer.

Hilarious, shocking and incisive, Maxed Out paints a picture of a national nightmare which is all too real for most of us.


Busy Week

It’s been a busy week. One of those weeks where you don’t have time to do much, but at the end of the week, you ask yourself—well, what did I actually accomplish? The only thing I can say for sure is, I DIDN’T have time to write on the old web page. Fear not, after another week or so, I should return to my regular blogging schedule… and also get to all the stuff I’ve been too busy to get to.

Wow, this post is lackluster. I’ll try to spice it up with a blurry photo and story of the bear I saw last weekend in Waterton:


This bear was down in the town-site very close to Cameron Falls. Park Rangers surrounded it and kept noisy tourists (and photographers) at a distance.

Suddenly we heard a loud bang and the bear started running. Then lots more bangs and pops (and some might say explosions) as the rangers made more noise to scare the bear away from the town.

One lady we talked to afterward said the bear came running up the trail very close to where she and her grand daughter were and the excitement was enough to bring the little girl to tears.

Nobody was hurt, and the bear was just a little scared. It left town without further incident.