Homemade digital clock

Yesterday I made a clock using an arduino kit that I purchased for my “Creative Electronics for Beginners” class. It only counts from 0 to 9 and then repeats, but I love the satisfaction I get when I see it working.

I made a clock!
I made a clock! on Flickr.

I did happen to bump one of the LEDs just before I started taping, and discovered afterward that I had shorted one of the lights from the current. It just needed to be nudged slightly, but in the video it appears to be burnt out.

The code after the jump.
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Dancing Frog Legs

Just add salt and the magic begins!

Frog Legs Dancing with a Little Salt | YouTube

I understand this happens because salt contains sodium ions which, when in contact with the cells, change the electrical potential within each cell. This change is the ‘signal’ for the muscles to contract. Energy is stored in the muscles in the form of ATP (Adenosine-5′-triphosphate) and the twitching stops when the ATP runs out.

Apparently this is more likely to happen with cold blooded animals (like frogs) because they do not take on rigor mortis as quickly as warm-blooded animals (chicken, for example).


Homemade Jib

I finished the homemade jib I started working on last Saturday this afternoon. Here it is:

My New Jib

Here is some of the first footage.

I realize I need to work on the steadiness of my hand, but so far I’m quite happy with how easy it was to get a more professional looking shot. The whole contraption cost me about $45 CAN and a few hours of work — not bad!

I used the plans I found here.

Third Annual Zombie Walk

Lethbridge is having its 3rd Annual Zombie Walk tomorrow at Galt Gardens at ~6pm.

We’ll meet up at Galt Gardens, like we’ve done before,
at 5:30, once gathered we’ll wait until 6 or shortly after 6 for all you stragglers!

Let me reiterate what’s been posted on the wall, you can be any age to participate in the walk and we encourage you under 18 zombie freaks to come out!. It’s only the concert at the Slice afterwards that’s 18+.

The Brains are once again gonna be providing us with entertainment afterwards at the Slice. There is no better band for the occasion! There will be a cover charge of $10 which is more than reasonable for The Brains alone. but we’re lucky zombies this year because we even get our very own Phantom Creeps this year!

Let’s make this one HUGE, tell your friends, tell them to tell their friends.. The Undead will once again wander the streets!

Update: CityTV called me a couple of years ago and I pointed them in the direction of the Zombie Walk. They covered it this year.