Copy Protection Rant

I’m doing some work for a client this morning. I’m updating his portfolio for his acting career and ironically, trying to download the tv show which he plays in is proving to be more difficult than I imagined. The CBC is streaming the show in SWF format, however, they’ve made it nearly impossible (as far as I can tell) to save it locally.

After spending nearly a half hour trying to work it out, I finally decided to check my favourite bit torrent site. The show in question will be downloaded in about 30 minutes—so much for trying to do things the CBC’s way.

One Reply to “Copy Protection Rant”

  1. Yup, been there.

    Had some trouble with our satellite receiver last month, tried everything to get it to work, but to no avail. Then I tried to find sites from the major networks to watch full episodes, but if you are in Canada, you can`t watch shows from US sites, and unless one of the Canadian broadcasters has them on their site, you are out of luck.

    So I headed over to ******* site and downloaded the shows we missed. I figure, seeing as I paid for legal satellite service, that I`m not headed off to jail any time soon.

    Found out the receiver was bad, and had it replaced.

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