2010 Visitor Statistics

These are my Google Analytics stats for 2010.
visitor stats line graph
Here’s how the visitors got here:
visitor stats pie chart
Of those that got here via referring links, here are the top ten sites that brought them here most often:

  1. stumbleupon.com
  2. facebook.com
  3. www3.telus.net
  4. google.com
  5. de.wikipedia.org
  6. en.wikipedia.org
  7. fxp.co.il
  8. images.google.com
  9. digg.com
  10. desgraciashumanas.blogcindario.com

Almost all of the top 50 search results were related to backmasking. Here are the top ten:

  1. stairway to heaven backwards
  2. backmasking
  3. songs played backwards
  4. stairway to heaven
  5. jeff milner
  6. backmasking songs
  7. jeff milner backmasking
  8. backmasked songs
  9. stairway to heaven backwards lyrics
  10. back masking

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