What are the Fonts Included with the Adobe Typekit Free Plan

One of the great things about an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription is that it comes with a basic “free” TypeKit plan which gives one access to 280 font variations (20 at any one time). Something that is not so great is that there is no obvious way to find out which fonts are included without swimming through the thousands of possible font choices that are not included in the basic free typekit plan.

Recently I came across a lesson on Lynda.com that shared all of the fonts in the free plan and I’ve updated the list and made it into a .pdf to share — Fonts Included with the Adobe TypeKit Free Plan.


Updated version August 2018.

Update: Interestingly, I discovered that while difficult to make a file with all of the 280 free fonts in the same document, once I exported the finished document, I was able to sync all the fonts and leave them activated.

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