Scary Clown on Venice Beach

My sister and two of her kids were in Los Angeles over the weekend to watch the Premier Lacrosse League All Star Game. After picking up her rental car, first thing they did was hit up Venice Beach near Santa Monica pier. She was having a good time with her boys when four helicopters (at least one police) showed up, and surrounded what she described as a scary clown guy that had been in a slow-speed police pursuit. Although he attracted a crowd, my sister said it was frightening and she wanted nothing to do with the action. It took a while but eventually an officer followed the man onto the beach, waited for more officers to arrive and they arrested the man.

Full story after the jump.

JULY 20, 2019 8:21 PM
A man was arrested Saturday after a nearly hourlong California Highway Patrol pursuit from Orange County to Venice Beach, during which his outfit of a green wig and a clown mask attracted a crowd of followers.

The pursuit began about 2:50 p.m. on the northbound 405 Freeway in Orange County when CHP officers noticed a dark sedan being driven recklessly, CHP Officer Stephan Brandt said.

The car continued north on the 405, slowing for traffic, until transitioning to the 90 Freeway. The driver exited at Lincoln Boulevard, then proceeded along Washington Boulevard and Pacific Avenue before stopping at the boardwalk, Brandt said.

News helicopters showed the man in the green wig standing through the car’s sunroof toward the end of the pursuit with a passenger apparently holding the steering wheel while the car moved at a slow speed, he said. The suspect got out and ran down the boardwalk, jumping a wall and walking onto the sand as beachgoers looked on. He stopped to help a man who was covering another man with sand and got a high-five for his efforts.

Many in the beach crowd began following the suspect until he got to the water, and they surrounded him while Los Angeles police and CHP officers arrived.

People stayed back the suspect while police officers drew weapons and CHP officers prepared to use a Taser on him, finally moving when ordered by law enforcement.

About 3:45 p.m., the suspect removed his shirt and dropped his colorful jacket before kneeling on the sand, then lying prone for arrest.

Only the man with the green wig was arrested, Brandt said. The passenger apparently remained in the car and did not face arrest, he said.

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