Covid, A Week Later

It’s been seven days since the kids and I tested positive with Covid. For something that has occupied our worst fears for the last two years, we have faired extremely well.

I realize, of course, that Ange and I are fully vaccinated and that with the kids being so young they are unlikely to suffer major complications. It’s also true that the omicron variant is a much different beast than the earlier strains but it has still been a week of worry as the kids have had fevers and short bouts of coughing fits.

I’m not well enough to return to school tomorrow, I still have a headache and stuffed up sinuses.

It’s my belief that this whole five days to recovery is far too short and is exactly why we got it in the first place — we were in extended contact with someone who tested positive seven days previous but we were led to believe the infectious stage was over.

In the time since we tested positive we know a couple others that have also contracted it. One of our friends says she knows four families (including us) that have it right now.

Even though our hospitals are as full as any time in the pandemic, I think this might be the beginning of the end.