It’s my BIRTHDAY!!!!

I’ve been alive for 24 years to the day. As a kid I remember thinking that being 24 would be so old. Now I’m thinking, “man 24 is so young, I haven’t even started to live life yet”. But seriously as I sit here and reflect on what it’s like to be almost a quarter of a century old, I can’t help but think only three more quarters to go. I think I will make a hundred. It wouldn’t be that hard. Some of the things that increase your odds of living long are having a pet or getting married. They say that marriage specifically adds 10 years to your life expectancy! However I’m just not interested in marriage yet. Twenty-four is how old Mom was when she got married so it’s not like I’m too young. The thing is, when it comes right down to it, I think I’m happy the way I am. Don’t get me wrong, I really love Anna-Maria and don’t want to break up with her at all, but I’m not ready to settle down and start having kids. If living my life the way I do is against statistics then that’s fine by me. Bring on the Grim Reaper and we’ll stare each other down – eye to eye. I am not afraid to live my life to the fullest and as for statistics – I think they are for wimps.

Linux Geek Update

As promised here is the report on my evening at the Linux meeting. First off I was surprised at the very high ratio of girls there. It may have been as high as 1 girl for every 10 guys! Ok, it wasn’t as geeky as a Star Trek convention and only one person came dressed up as a klingon. (Actually I’m not sure he was dressed up). Ok but seriously I actually had a good time. I skipped supper specifically because I thought there would be pizza there, but there was such a huge turn out that it was all gone before it was my turn to go up and get some. I did learn a few things though and I’m planning on setting up my own Linux server on the old Pentium 130. I plan to setup a blog server so that we can choose to host this site there (depending on how good the connection actually turns out to be and how well the software works.)

Disneyland Auditions

Disneyland Train Station

Anna-Maria and I are strongly considering going to Edmonton on the 28th of March to audition for a job at Disneyland. I would have to get a working visa first though and I am not sure if that will be possible, given the short amount of time I have to do it. It would be really cool to work at Disneyland though. I’ll keep you updated.

Update: We never we to Edmonton for an audition but we did end up flying down to Anaheim where Anna auditioned and got offered a job at Disneyland. Also of interest — Anna tells in detail what it’s like to wear a Disneyland costume.

Linux Meeting

There is a meeting tonight at the University that is a hands-on experience learning to install and use Linux. I’m thinking the majority of people there tonight will be short of “hands-on” experience, if you get my drift. I can’t be too harsh because after all I am going. At least if it a major geek fest I’ll still be ahead: free pizza! Anyway this post is just to whet your curiosity and build up suspense for my next post.

New Video for Download

Ok I kind of like this one (update: video offline), even though the effects are really cheezy. Get it while you can, I’m not sure if I’ll leave these on the web forever.

Dad’s in Town

Apparently Dad is in Lethbridge tonight. I saw a note on my table that said he stopped by, too bad I missed him. I was having dinner with Anna-Maria and her roommate. Anna’s Mom gave her a huge laundry basket full of food to take home with her, and we were hitting it hard tonight. We had some really good roast beef and instant potatoes. I tried a brustle sprout and I must say I should have gone with my instincts. Brussle sprouts are bad. That’s why on TV sitcoms nobody likes them. They are bad. But the meal was good and I wish I had more of it instead of being stuck here at the school waiting for my video to render. Also I need to be looking up some music for the background and I’ll likely find something off of If you have any other good sites for music give me a shout out.

New Media Update

I’ve been working on a new video project since lunch time. I am really sick of it. I never realized how much work it was going to be trying to use a green screen and making it look realistic. I guess some tips I have to offer are that you want to make sure the green screen is exactly the same colour all over and that objects / people you are filming not only aren’t wearing green but are wearing dark colours that contrast well. I still have to do another project for tomorrow and I had to skip swimming again today because I need to get this work done. Next Thursday I have another video due, this time it has to have a Star Trek effect of beaming someone into screen. If either of these two projects turn out I’ll post them here.

The Meliorist Slanders Stu Crawford

The previous resident of my house (the owner’s son actually) was mentioned in the University paper this week. In the “from the Editor’s Desk” section, the editor was ranting about why he doesn’t participate in the large number protests that have been happening lately. He sites the ex-resident of my house as an example:

“Those who were here two years ago will remember the actions of Stu Crawford, local activist extrordannaire. Perhaps if Coulee Stu did not wear the same clothes every day and stink like a mixture of wet cat and cheese, people would have been willing to listen to him, instead of brushing him off everytime he was near.

Update: April has come to Stu’s defence.

Back in Lethbridge

Anna-Maria and I arrived back in Medicine Hat last night too, and the roads to Lethbridge were a little snowy but judging by Gary’s description not as bad as to Calgary. We talked a bit but mostly we listened to the first tape of “The Lord of the Rings”. I thought it would be fun – especially seeing how much Anna loves the movies but frankly it was quite boring. We probably will never listen to the rest of the tapes.

George Bush’s Speech

According to the BBC, Bush’s handlers have been trying to get him invited to address the European Parliament. The one caveat being that a standing ovation would be guaranteed. (scroll down to # 7 on the list).

Question: What exactly would happen if a standing ovation was promised and never delivered?

Answer: Regime change.