Paul’s Not Dead Yet

Paul McCartney on the “Paul is dead” rumours:

The conspiracy theory began in October 1969, when a Detroit-based DJ claimed that the three other Beatles — Ringo Starr, John Lennon and George Harrison — had recruited a lookalike replacement for McCartney after he died in 1966.

He argued that because the man “posing” as McCartney on the cover of the Beatles’ 1969 album “Abbey Road” had bare feet meant it represented a corpse, and that the number plate on a car in the photograph was LMW 28IF — denoting McCartney’s age, if he had lived.

“It was funny, really,” McCartney, 67, told MOJO music magazine in an interview. “But ridiculous. It’s an occupational hazard: people make up a story and then you find yourself having to deal with this fictitious stuff.

“I think the worst thing that happened was that I could see people sort of looking at me more closely: ‘Were his ears always like that?'”

Pearl Jam

I’m off to see Pearl Jam and others at the 2008 Virginfest in Calgary. I’m having the busiest summer in memory so posting will continue to be light for the next while.

Update: Here’s a photo of the crowd at the Pearl Jam concert. I’m right up there, second from the front.

Watching Pearl Jam at COP

Sasquatch! Music Festival Photos

A week ago I was up early at 4:30am to ride down to the States with some friends to enjoy the festivities at the Sasquatch! Music Festival. After nearly 12 hours on the road, we arrived at the festival grounds, set up camp and watched as thousands of others did the same.

The Festival takes place in the most beautiful venue I’ve ever seen. It’s a gigantic amphitheatre called The Gorge. There were so many interesting people and so many great artists—check out some of the photos and videos I captured from the event:

Sasquatch! Music Festival 2009

[Sasquatch! Music Festival Slideshow – Flickr]

Bicycle Built for 2000

In 1962, the IBM 704 became the first computer to sing. The song was Daisy Bell. John Kelly and Carol Lockbaum programmed the vocals and the accompaniment was programmed by Max Mathews. This performance was the inspiration for the famous scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey in which the HAL 9000 computer sings the song as it is deactivated.

In 2009, the song has been recreated using 2000 clips of human voices collected via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Workers were asked to listen to a short clip of the 1962 recording and then prompted to repeat the sound as best they could.

See the Bicycle Built for 2000 project page for an interactive look at each sound clip.