Even better than the homemade touch screen hack, Johnny Lee has come up with a head tracking hack that could certainly be turned into many REALLY cool games.
[Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote – YouTube]
A collection of digital wonders and some other stuff
Even better than the homemade touch screen hack, Johnny Lee has come up with a head tracking hack that could certainly be turned into many REALLY cool games.
[Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote – YouTube]
Using a couple of homemade infrared pens, a Wiimote, and some software he wrote, Johnny Chung Lee of Carnegie Mellon University has come up with, what must be, the coolest Nintendo Wii hack ever. Since the Wii tracks IR lights, Lee found that practically any surface — a projector screen, a tabletop, an LCD screen — could be turned into a multi-touch screen reminiscent of the iPod Touch or Microsoft Surface.
[Low-Cost Multi-touch Whiteboard using the Wiimote – YouTube]
For those do-it-yourself types out there, the software can be downloaded here.