Ode to Spot

Lately I’ve been watching reruns of Star Trek: TNG (season 6) and I came across Data’s poem, Ode to Spot. Somehow it seems better 17 or so years later.

Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,
an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature?
Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses
contribute to your hunting skills, and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
a singular development of cat communications
that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
for a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.

A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
And when not being utilized to aide in locomotion,
it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.

O Spot, the complex levels of behaviour you display
connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

Jeff Milner’s Free Gmail Account Giveaway – Part III

I have 6 more Gmail invites today. This time you only need to write a limerick but posts must not be posted anonymously. Read last time’s entries for ideas. The limerick can be about anything — ones about me or stuff I like are a good starting point if you have writers block. I will give 5 invites away and save one for a cousin I went kayaking with today.

Now onto your limerick writing. Remember Gmail invites are waiting; contest ends Sunday at Midnight with prizes awarded next week.

If you already have a gmail account but are interested in the fine art of limerick writing then you might be interested to know about some dedicated limerick writers that are rewriting the Oxford English Dictionary in limerick form.

Update: The contest is now closed. The results will be posted shortly.

Jeff Milner’s Free Gmail Account Giveaway – The Results!

It’s the moment I know you’ve all been waiting for … All 6 of you. The results are in and without further ado here they are:

Matt Oneiros:
25 / 25 for explaining why you think I should give you a Gmail invite
200 / 200 for first and last name and email address
15 / 15 for being a blogger account holder and not posting anonymously
5 / 5 for having a blog
70 / 70 for posting both a regular link and a permanent link to my site
35 / 50 for the limerick. You didn’t get a full score because shock and cough don’t really rhyme. :)

Matt’s total: 350.

Melinda Anderson
25 / 25 for explaining why you think I should give you a Gmail invite
200 / 200 for first and last name and email address
15 / 15 for being a blogger account holder and not posting anonymously
5 / 5 for having a blog
70 / 70 for posting both a regular link and a permanent link to my site though the permanent link should have been to http://www2.memlane.com/jmilner and not to the specific post but that’s ok you still got full points.
45 / 50 for the limerick, missed out on a perfect score because of one extra sylabel in the last line.

Melinda’s total: 360.

Richard Biggs
25 / 25 for explaining why you think I should give you a Gmail invite
200 / 200 for first and last name and email address
15 / 15 for being a blogger account holder and not posting anonymously
5 / 5 for having a blog
20 / 70 for posting a link to my site
50 / 50 Nice poem Biggs.

Richard’s total: 315.

Chris Newhouse
25 / 25 for explaining why you think I should give you a Gmail invite
200 / 200 for first and last name and email address
15 / 15 for being a blogger account holder and not posting anonymously
5 / 5 for having a blog
70 / 70 for the links. I would have given you more for this one but I clearly stated my max was 70 – and I’m sad that I can’t because you really went the extra mile, thanks Chris!
35 / 50 The syllables are a little off and I’m sorry but skull and soul don’t rhyme — and I’m just curious but what does a foot killing a skull have to do with anything? :)

Chris’s total: 350.

Alex Ware
15 / 25 for explaining why you think I should give you a Gmail invite
200 / 200 for first and last name and email address
0 / 15 Weak Alex… setting up an account takes seconds and you don’t have to have a blog to have an account.
0 / 5 for not having a blog. Remember it’s never too late to start a blog.
0 / 70 no links
15 / 50 Interesting structure and an ok poem but not really a limerick.

Alex’s total score: 230.

CJ Castillo
25 / 25 for explaining why you think I should give you a Gmail invite
200 / 200 for first and last name and email address
15 / 15 for being a blogger account holder and not posting anonymously
5 / 5 for having a blog
70 / 70 for posting both a regular link and a permanent link to my site
45 / 50 I can’t justify a perfect score, because even though you went the extra mile to include the fact that I am a lifeguard there are too many syllables on the second last line.

CJ’s total score: 360.

And the final results:

1st place: Melinda Anderson & CJ Castillo

2nd place: Matt Oneiros & Chris Newhouse

3rd place: Richard Biggs

4th place: Alex Ware

Since you guys were all good sports, and since I know someone else with extra invites, you all get an invite! Some of you said you would “do the right thing” and give your future invites to strangers on the web also begging for accounts, but I say they are your (future) invites so do with them as you please. :)

I hope every time you check your Gmail you’ll think to yourself — Jeff Milner is such a great guy. Actually no, make that every time you check your new Gmail account you can think to yourself how much better you are than all the other people who had a chance to be a part of Jeff Milner’s Gmail giveaway but were too lazy to come up with a limerick. Thanks again guys for being in my contest. Look for another contest when I have more invitations.