This afternoon I’ve been playing around with Yahoo Pipes, a service that converts web pages without RSS feeds into useful XML files oozing with possibility.
For my first project, I wanted to get my local movie listings into Google Reader. Here is the finished product, an RSS feed for The Movie Mill, a theatre that’s only a few blocks from my house.
I’ve been irritated that a service that would benefit the theatre and its customers has not been available for the past few years. (I hope this feed makes it’s way around so that more people will know what movies are playing and when— it builds on the idea that information wants to be free, even if going to the movies costs money).
Other feeds I’ve thrown together today include an RSS feed for the Lethbridge Herald Front Page News and another RSS feed for the Medicine Hat Front Page News too! It’s kind of wonderful that technology allows one to liberate data and reformat it in a way that makes sense.
Details on how I put together the pipes after the jump: