Family Photos

Last weekend Anna-Maria and I went to Medicine Hat to have our pictures taken with my family. After we spent some time at Gainsboro we decided to take some of our own shots at Strathcona park. Here is a one that my brother Gary got of Anna and me. (We all wore matching outfits).

Jeff Milner and Anna-Maria

More pictures at The Milner Blog.

Update: I guess he took the photos down because now that he isn’t in Canada he’s not getting internet / free hosting at Telus. Try browsing some Flickr photos of the same day, instead.

Canadian Idol

Tonight is the last episode of this season’s Canadian Idol. The favorite to win is named Kalan Porter and happens to be from my hometown of Medicine Hat. My mom was his kindergarten teacher and has been known to try and take credit as one of the first people in his life to teach him how to sing. Good work Mom – how come I’m not famous? She has been really getting into the show even calling in multiple votes for Kalan. My new roommate also from Medicine Hat says that the city has Canadian Idol fever and that on the nights of the show the phone lines are all blocked up because everyone in town is voting. He adds dryly, “I hope nobody has an emergency on Wednesday nights because they’re not getting a dial-tone.”

Seeing as tonight is the night we’ll be finding out the results from yesterday’s final vote, CTV is holding a party at The Arena in Medicine Hat where the hometown crowd will be watching via the big screen as well they will be broadcasted across the country going nuts when Kalan wins. You can bet that my Mom will be there along with 4000 other idol worshipping Hatters. I’ll be watching.

My Roommates

All is good in roommate land. Although, yesterday I caught my roommate trying to cook chicken in the oven – without a pan. I guess he thought it would be like a little barbecue in the house. Luckily, Anna and I, saw him and suggested a pan before a fire ensued.

Today my newest roommate moved in, meanwhile I moved a bunch of old furniture out. I now have an old dresser, a table, some clothes, and a couple of beds that are sitting in the back yard waiting for a garage sale, or a trip to the Salvation Army.

My other roommate is cooking us all a big dinner which I can smell through the air. She is making us a special spinach and feta penne. My stomach is growling; I can’t wait.

More Backmasking Songs

Because of my , I’ve been getting a lot of emails with requests for other songs that have backwards messages as well people sending me lists of songs that apparently have just that. Here are some excerpts (for those of you that care).

  • Cradle of Flith – “Dinner at Deviant’s Palace” When played backwards, you hear the lord’s prayer
  • Missy Elliot’s song – ‘Work It’
  • The song Karate by Tenacious D. At the end reverse the last word he says and it says, “donkey crap” quite clearly.
  • Led Zeppelin – Stairway to heaven
    In the end of the song there is an inverted message which goes something like this:
    “Because I serve Satan, God denies my and there is no escape” (I’m not sure about the exact words, because this was never played on that cassette; they only told that it existed).
  • Styx – Snowblind
    A inverted part:
    “Satan is moving our voices”
  • The Beatles – Number nine
    “Let me out, let me out, let me out” and then continues: “Turn me on dead men” or “let me under men”, in the cassette that was described as a suicide message or something like that =).
  • And something else funny: if you found a .mp3 where the crowd is calling kiss back like “kiss kiss kiss, kiss kiss kiss”, it sounds backwards 666, 666 etc.
  • ELO – Eldorado
    There is a part which goes inverted like this: ‘He is nasty one, Christ your infernal’.
  • ELO – Fire and High
    There is some babble which is inverted: ‘The music is reversible, but time is not, turn back, turn back, turn back’.

And along those lines another email message goes into that last one more specifically:

“Hey man, I really dig the site dedicated to backwards messages in songs. I was spinning Face the Music by ELO, and i found another hidden message. In the first track, Fire on High, during the halleluia chorus part in the intro, there is jumbled speaking, meant to sound freaky. If you spin the album backwards, it says ‘Turn back now. Turn back now. The music is reversible.'”

And to finish off someone commented about one of the song clips I have on my site.

“I think that your clip of John Lennon’s Imagine, when reversed, actually
says, ‘Oh Beezelbub. Must have me.'”

New Media Faculty Meeting

I went to the University today for a New Media faculty meeting. I am the New Media Representative and so I sit it on the meetings and let the rest of the students know what’s going on in the Faculty.

Although it was a long meeting, I did appreciate learning a few things. I found out that they are considering buying 51 licenses for Maya – maybe Maya Complete or maybe Maya Unlimited. (Apparently Maya Unlimited is more complete than the former – sheesh.) They decided that if they do go ahead and get the Maya licenses, which it looks like they will, that they will not be dropping their 3D Studio Max software.

They also showed me a list of the software available to the students this semester, and it looks like among other things they’ve upgraded to the CS versions of Photoshop and Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, and the Macromedia MX 2004 package.

I think it’s going to be a good semester for me.