‘Memory Lane Computers’ Suck

I found a message on my answering machine the other day from Don at Memory Lane Computers. Apparently he is upset that I have been using my http://www2.memlane.com/jmilner/ address to post my “web portfolio” and he wants me to take it down. I guess it’s no big deal now that I have my new domain but it still somewhat ticks me off especially not only working there for those three or so years, but also because he was so rude about it on the phone; not to mention that I have been giving them business by sending my clients to them for hosting. But whatever — I’ve deleted it now and I don’t plan on looking back. But I probably will not purchase my next computer from them.

One Reply to “‘Memory Lane Computers’ Suck”

  1. Sorry Jeff I think Don was trying to clean up
    the server. I don’t think he meant to come across
    bad. Hope you and your family are doing well.

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