Adobe to acquire Macromedia in $3.4B deal

Adobe, the company most famous for its Photoshop application announced this morning it’s plan to buy multimedia software company Macromedia! This is really cool news for those of us in the New Media industry.

“By combining our powerful development, authoring and collaboration software – along with the complementary functionality of PDF and Flash – Adobe has the opportunity to bring this vision to life with an industry-defining technology platform.”

I Got Shots – (and not the good kind)

I’m off to Malaysia next month and in preparation I went down to the health unit today and got a total of four shots – two in each arm. I’ve been avoiding my MMR booster shot for a few years now and I skipped out on the mandatory tetanus shot they give you in the 9th grade, but I got caught up on all of them in four foul stabs earlier today. The tetanus side is still throbbing slightly but it wasn’t nearly as painful as I had it built up to be. My biggest fear is that I will be part of the tiny fraction of people that have an adverse reaction to the vaccines. So far so good.

Google Video Upload

Google never ceases to amaze me! They are offering a new storage service for videos that users upload themselves.

We’re accepting digital video files of any length and size. Simply sign up for an account and upload your videos using our Video Uploader (please be sure you own the rights to the works you upload), and, pending our approval process and the launch of this new service, we’ll include your video in Google Video, where users will be able to search, preview, purchase and play it.

Adidas_1 Smart Shoe

The Adidas_1, reviewed by cool hunter Josh Rubin, looks amazing. Each shoe contains a small computer chip that calculates the amount of cushion your shoes need for optimum performance.

From Adadas’s (flash overboard) site:

Every Runner is Different: In an ideal world no two pairs of runners shoes would be the same because no two runners are the same. Welcome to that ideal world.

I only hope it doesn’t have air cushion blow-outs like Reebox’s Pumps from the 80’s had.

My heart

In case you thought my heart was broken, you can listen for yourself.

For those of you asking why I put a sound file of my heartbeat on the Internet, I guess the answer lies somewhere between, “because I can” and “because I’ve never seen it done before”, and because it hurts.