This evening on the news I will be on Global (local to Lethbridge) at 6:00pm and as well on the CTV news. I think that it will air at 5:00 and if it goes to Calgary again at 6:00. If it goes nationally it will be on all evening rotating with all today’s top stories. CRAZY!
The radio interviews in the states are coming in fast too. I have been asked for an interview with an NPR affiliate, and as well a pretty big radio station in Seattle wants to interview me as well. I’ll be doing a morning show interview tomorrow for a station in Chicago and to top things off Fraser and Rosie’s Big Breakfast show (a local rock station in Lethbridge).
Here is a clip of the backmasking article from the Lethbridge Herald. The story also made the cover of the Calgary Herald.
I picked the story up on the front page of the WSJ, 1/9/06. I’m originally from the old school of spinning records in reverse to hear some of this stuff, but then reversible multitracks came along, and now we have this latest technology. I loved the part from Kiss, Kiss, Kiss. You also might check out the part of “Across the Universe” where John Lennon sings “Jai guru deva ohm” (or something like that.) Also the end of the B-52’s “Detour Through Your Mind”, and the whole CSNY “Woodstock”. I don’t think there’s anything buried there, but it’s fun to listen to. In closing, if you start the part on “Empty Spaces” just a bit earlier, you’ll hear something like “…Now I’m a Beatle. Congratulations, you have…”
Have fun!
I just left a message with whoever has your phone….your story got picked up by the national CTV network! I dont’ know when they are going to start running it, but it will be on channel 52.
PLUS, Calgary CTV picked it up, so it’ll be on during their 6 o’clock news. (6:32pm I think to be more specific)
AND, you can watch it online after 7 o’clock tonight by logging on to
Thanks again for the great interview!
Kaella Carr
CTV Lethbridge
I just watched you on the news. I have visited your site but I do not see where we can listen to the lyrics. Are we allowed to?
Hey Jeff,
Awesome, I actually checked your site out a few months ago. I have been discussing music and the back masked messages for about 15 years. I started back spinning when I was 16. I started a DJ business and as I was scratching I found some things.
Another one Bites the Dust was one of the first songs in which I found a message. I was mixing an electronica/techno remix of the song when I heard “It’s fun to smoke marijuana”.
This sparked something within. I wanted more information. I spoke to my psychology teacher, she showed me other forms of subliminal messages, like nude figures in ice cubes and messages in smoke from cigarettes. I found a message in some of the Pepsi cans. If you line up the red neon lines on 2 cans stacked one ontop of the other, the word “SEX” becomes very visible.
I have watched moods change in people as I play certain songs. It is incredible seeing first hand the effects music has on individuals, especially the music with hidden messages.
Good Luck with everything you are doing.
You can e-mail me if you would like to chat.
Edmonton, AB
Just heard of your web site on Live At 5 ,ATV Halifax NS Quite interesting!
Hey there i just wanted to say i just caught you on CTV news..I’m in New Brunswick, and just thought that what you did was awesome!! i totaly ran to my computer to checkout your site and its crazy! ill be telling everyone i know about it!! CONGRATS!!
hi i like your wepage i was watching the news yesterday and i was giong on your website for 2 hours its cool . from matthew cote halifax. novascotia 11 years old grade 6
hey man i saw the story cool howd u find all the other songs? well there is 4 beatle songs with mumbles with messages backwords you should find them and put them on the site. Im looking for a program to put songs back words can you tell me one? Anyways peace out