
Google is Mind Boggling

Apparently Google has come up with a way to use the power of “crowd wisdom” to predict market events of importance to Google within the company. Amazing stuff.

The markets were designed to forecast product launch dates, new office openings, and many other things of strategic importance to Google. So far, more than a thousand Googlers have bid on 146 events in 43 different subject areas (no payment is required to play).

I found a link at Sourceforge that appears to be a similar (or the identical?) program.


The Everyman Photo Contest


Take pictures; win awards!

I’m entering this image I took last March (on my birthday) into the People / Portraits category of the Everyman Photo Contest.


MythBusters – Episode Summaries

A summary of all the myths busted and confirmed by the MythBusters.

Update: That link doesn’t seem to work anymore. Try this one:

animation Disney

What Happened to Fraidy Cat?

I’ve been engrossed in a myriad of new animation and art blogs that seem to have sprung up like mushrooms in the last month.

Fraidy Cat

I found this little gem of an entry tonight that relates how Rob Clements & John Musker quit Walt Disney Feature Animation over what happened to Fraidy Cat.

(… Ron Clements & John Musker are the writers / directors of such Disney animated hits as “The Great Mouse Detective,” “The Little Mermaid,” “Aladdin,” “Hercules” and “Treasure Planet.” Over the past 20 years, these gifted filmmakers are personally responsible for billions of dollars pouring into Disney’s corporate coffers.)

So if a picture that these two guys (with their proven track record) have helped create is playing this well in story reel form, you have to assume that Walt Disney Feature Animation is naturally going to be putting that project in production, right?

Well, that’s where you’d be wrong, folks. “Fraidy Cat” (which was originally scheduled to be released in late 2009) isn’t going into production. In fact, this project was actually shelved last month. Which is the main reason that Musker & Clements — after 31 years of working for Walt Disney Feature Animation — are exiting the studio on September 11th and heading for … parts unknown.

“Wait a minute?,” you sputter, “If people inside WDFA are saying that ‘Fraidy Cat’ actually looked that good, then why isn’t Disney then putting this picture into production?” Ah, that’s where this cat’s tail … er … tale gets interesting.

It’s so disappointing that number one, we’ll never get to see Fraidy Cat, and number two, Walt Disney Feature Animation has lost two tremendously talented individuals.


Nintendo Revolution

Nintendo has released a teaser video of their new system and wild new controller. Danc from offers a scholarly essay on Nintendo’s genre innovation strategy.

Nintendo Revolution Controller

At first I thought the controller looked ridiculous and thought it would be a tremendous flop, however Danc’s article has made me reconsider. His article doesn’t focus on the new system itself and it is a bit long, but if you’re curious about why Nintendo would invest so heavily in an untested market, it’s worth the read.

I hope we talk about this in my Theory and Aesthetics of Video Games class.


What Would You Write?

Speech Ballon Project

“I printed 50,000 of these speech bubble stickers. I place them on top of movie posters, ads and signs all over New York City. Passers are invited to fill them in. I go back and photograph the results.”

Speech bubble stickers in New York.


Sensible Emails

Here are some great tips on writing great, productive, emails. When I worked at City Hall I discovered the myriad of emails that some people have to go through. I’m sure that if more people would practice the tips from this list their emails would have been read more often and timely, and had a greater chance of actually being acted upon. It would have made things easier for everyone. Many of these tips are also applicable to voice-mail.

  • First: Understand why you’re writing
  • Get what you need: Providing information, requesting information, or requesting action
  • Write a great subject line
  • Brevity is the soul of…getting a response
  • What’s the action here?
  • More good ideas – including make it easy to quote

Not to Do List

Well I feel at ease posting a link to this Not-To-Do list because I’ve spent the morning working on a project. But truth be told, I probably did more than a couple of these things that may have distracted me momentarily. At least my (now empty) garbage doesn’t smell!


Speaking of Pirates and Sharks

If you ever have to walk the plank, you might want to use some of the swimming tips here. Many of the concepts I’ve learned over the years swimming at the University, but it’s a nice refresher to see them printed here.


Pirate Day Jumps the Shark?

Arrr Pirates Passe?