Interview Beyond My Wildest Dreams

So I thought my huge interview last week that would be broadcast to 2 million listeners would be the peak of follow-up attention from the Wall Street Journal article on my backmasking page. I’m pleased to say, and more than a little in shock, that in fact I was just asked for an even bigger interview on a tv show that has 6.1 million viewers.

This is the big league, their previous guests have included Bono, Sean Puffy Combs, Chris Martin, Foo Fighters, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Paul Anka, Matthew McConaughey, Richard Bronson and many more. I’m keeping the name of the show under wraps for now—it’s a show you’ve heard of, but I don’t want to jinx myself. I just have to say, this is a dream come true.

Update: I was on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos.

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