My Playlist

  1. Adam’s Song
  2. Needle in the Hay
  3. So Alone
  4. Hurt
  5. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  6. Bohemian Rhapsody
  7. Creep
  8. Deep
  9. Jeremy
  10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
  11. Today
  12. Suicide is Painless

I remember posting this list in 2006, I was feeling extremely down that day… I guess it was too subtle for anyone* to notice. Discovering this list again today made me wish I could go back in time and tell myself that life gets so much better. And worse. But for better or worse, life is wonderful.

*Ok, at least one person noticed. Thanks Sherri S.

Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation

Back in 1982 a group of three kids from Mississippi began a project to recreate, shot-for-shot, Stephen Spielberg’s classic, “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. They were 12 years old when they started. It took them a little over six years to finish it, and while that alone is noteworthy, their story is now being considered to be turned into amovie with a screenplay by Dan Clowes of “Ghost World” fame. He talks about it near the end of a recent Wired News article.

The picture itself has become somewhat of an underground hit, garnering a lot of attention lately from the mainstream media. The three creators, known as the Indy guys, are now taking their show on the road. There isn’t a whole lot of the remake footage in it, but if you feel compelled, check out the trailer.

(via Pete’s Linklog)